Originally Posted by
Thanks I'll keep eye on the formitem entry in the docs.
I looked at the UI (app inspector) and tried to use the names in there, as one word such as userselectablesearch
But that did not seem to work.
It is "userselectablesearchfield"
As you know, formitems consist of fields and gadgets.
Fields have a "Caption" and "Data".
Other attributes relating to search fields are:
searchfield as logical
searchpanelfield as logical
defaultsearchfieldorder as logical
hidesearchkeyindicator as logical
Other useful related to captions:
caption as character
captionicon as character // e.g "lib:/icons/name.png"
captionborderwidth as numeric
captionbordercolor as character // colors can be #xxxxxx or a known color name such as green,lightgreen etc
captionalignment as character // "Topleft,TopCenter,TopRight,Center,LeftCenter,RightCenter,BottomLeft,BottomCenter,BottomRight"
labelsize as character // "Small,Medium,Large,X-large,xx-large,largest,Huge,Auto"
labeltype as character // "Beside,Above"
captioncssstyle as character // recognizes bootstrap class names as well as standard CSS
Other useful attributes related to data:
controlsource as character // "table.column" or "expression"
defaultvalue as character //"expression"
inputmask as character
password as logical
mandatory as logical
mandatorybackcolor as character
validation as character
validationerrormessage as character
choicelist as character
autosuggest as character
autosuggestheaders as character
autosuggestcolumn as numeric
placeholdertext as character
readonly as logical
editable as logical
relateonchange as logical
refreshcalculatedonchange as logical
datasize as character // "Small,Medium,Large,X-large,xx-large,largest,Huge,Auto"
data alignment as character // "left,center,right"
tooltiptext as character
datacssstyle as character // recognizes bootstrap class names as well as standard CSS
Other misc:
showdata as logical
hidecaptionatruntime as logical
returntabs as logical
dialogbutton as logical
contextmenu as character
metatypes as character
tag as character
There are many other internal attributes related to gadgets and formgrids but that should satisfy your current requirements to load the UI from metadata that you define for a column.