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Thread: Mac Development tips

  1. #1

    Mac Development tips

    Many of you may have apps running on Macs, but I am unsure if many are developing on a Mac. I am developing AND learning on a Mac and it has been an interesting journey. As I find Mac oddities I will try to add them here, please do so also.

    First oddity: You can't delete a CommandButton from a Canvas section. I tried everything, right-click, Command-Delete,... I finally gave up and entered a ticket. Yvonne was kind enough to find the answer. On a Mac, use [fn] + Delete (your keyboard may have a Backspace key) and delete works as expected.

    In the past, I have had keyboard issues when using Macs to run Windows in a VM, like crtl-alt-del and numlock on an extended keyboard.

    Hope this helps someone else in the future.

    - James

  2. #2
    That’s interesting to note.
    Thanks James.



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