I'm so happy that VFP has come sooooo far and current! Here's one dilema though - I'm trying to connect to our Postsgres database via ODBC (with DSN). Unfortunately, most, if not all tables and some fields were by themselves an import from a previous database and have hyphens on them. While I can connect to the database via console, I get errors whenever I do a select or when I utilize the import facility:
[ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Table/View/Synonym not found (7519).
I did the normal workarounds but still the the error. Here are the workarounds I attempted to do a simple select, one line per attempt:
select * from pub."alt-vendor"
select * from "pub.alt-vendor"
select * from pub.'alt-vendor'
select * from pub.`alt-vendor`
select * from `pub.alt-vendor`
I also tried above without the schema and got the same error.
Here's a select I used with WinSQL and PERL (sort of) that worked using the above workaround:
select "alt-vendor".company, "alt-vendor"."item-number", item."item-name", vendor."vend-name"
from (("PUB"."alt-vendor" "alt-vendor"
INNER JOIN PUB.item item ON "alt-vendor"."item-number" = item."item-number")
INNER JOIN PUB.vendor vendor ON "alt-vendor"."vend-number" = vendor."vend-number")
where "alt-vendor".company = 'mac'
Any thoughts would be appreciated - HowardT