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Thread: Form Field Default value syntax

  1. #1

    Form Field Default value syntax

    Hi, what would be the syntax to use "date()" as a default value for a date field? tried unsucessfully date(), {date()}, !date(0)

  2. #2
    date() is ok, had to save APP ...

  3. #3
    Lianja Team yvonne.milne's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Berkshire, UK
    Yes, date() is correct. The default will be set when a new record is added. The default attribute can be set in the formitem Field Attributes or in a table's Column Attributes. To apply the table Column Attributes to a section, the Section Attribute 'Inherit dictionary rules' must be checked (unchecked by default).

    Name:  default1.jpg
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  4. #4
    Lianja MVP
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Berea, KY, USA
    Yes, good point: when an attribute is set to a dynamic value, saving the app (and I always refresh it at that point) is required. Refreshing the app without saving will lose any changes made in the attribute panel.


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