
Type: Posts; User: bytecave

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  1. Replies

    How to increase text size in controls

    I've spent about two hours searching and reading the forums, so apologies but I've got to break down and ask. :)

    The text size for section headers, grid column headers, grid cells, and etc. are...
  2. Replies

    Lianja documentation, all in one place?

    It's sideways an enhancement request, but definitely not a feature request. Does the entirety of the topics in the left nav pane of the Lianja docs pages...
  3. I’m a Lianja n00b just comparing Lianja to Xojo...

    I’m a Lianja n00b just comparing Lianja to Xojo and B4J, and the founder of the company responds to my question within hours? I have installed Lianja and am going through tutorials now. Lianja is the...
  4. I’ve mostly worked for Microsoft, Facebook, and...

    I’ve mostly worked for Microsoft, Facebook, and Google in my life, and these large enterprises all use SSO for app access. Salesforce is an example of an app development system that can use SSO and...
  5. Use enterprise Single Sign On (SSO) to authenticate Lianja app?

    Instead of using App Center to login, is there a mechanism available that will allow SSO (via Okta, etc.) to authenticate a user? The large companies I've worked out don't require user/password to...
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