OK Thanks
Type: Posts; User: avianmanagement
OK Thanks
It does not appear to import parent classes.
For example I have a form based on Class A, this has a parent B, that has a parent C and so on to about 5 levels
I get A imported into the project...
Yes created app first
Drag and dropped pjx nothing happens.
Tried form scx files again nothing happens
Then found the issue
Needed to extend the size of the app page so that in the files...
Yes this is beta9R6
I drag the pjx file onto the section that says files and has folder images with names such as Form Files, Class Files etc
Drop it there and noting happens
I have just downloaded the latest beta onto a windows machine.
Drag and drop pjx file to files explorer, the box with heading Files, on the main app page in app builder.
Nothing happens