Hello Yvonne , I found the error , this error come inside the data field in the character or memo field , if inside the field are any character after the ascii 32 this generate the server crash.
Type: Posts; User: gontran
Hello Yvonne , I found the error , this error come inside the data field in the character or memo field , if inside the field are any character after the ascii 32 this generate the server crash.
Hello Yvonne, ok I see no errors in my app , and make the same error server look:2724
Hello I have a problem in my web app, if I use the search in the grid , this works if I find the word "COMPU" this drop me 22 pages , but if I jump to the page 2 the server gime an error, how can I...
Hi Yvonne , Hmm ok I move the report to new page. Consulta_ejecutiva es the table and the reports name but I really dont understand why doint work.2699
Any idea??
Hello I have many evaluates but one dont work. Is very simple but I dont undestand , in my form section I have data
use avaluate but give an error
look the code is very simple
java :
Hello Yvonne, I try to use crl+shit+1 but I dont see noting the f12 show me an error with no page found , I see the deploy and all are in the right place .
Any idea?2687
Hello I make a simple report this woks ok in desktop but when I deploy to web I have and error.
And some times when I pres the printer icon the report appears in blank. How can I fix this.
Hello thanks for the help, I set "fixed with" abd use mask ###,###,###,###,###.##, but continue with exponential numbers. Any idea?
And I use the covertutf8 but continue with simbos and no...
Hello I have an add column , but the result is an exponetial number, How can I fix this?
Hello thanks for the time , that space , not exists in my code I dont know why is in the text. Ok I try to see in the console but. This wotk in the web app?
Ok I have simple evaluate function this is call when the combo change the value. then if found the record return "SI" and if not return "NO".
this is the java function
Hello , we test the lianja cloud over ubutu server. bot have a problem if I see the Admin Cloud have this error. Maybe some configurations I lost?2609
Hello I use the evaluate() and works fine , but I have other question. Is posible to use "lianja.get("page1.section1.field2").caption = &wt_bie_tot" in my prg with evaluate ? or how can get some...
Ok I dont whant to stop any execution just display message about the status , like wait "any.." nowait. I remeber I can send messages in blue , gren and red , but I dont remember how
Thanks for...
Hello I need to send a message like "Wait...." in my web app , but the messagebox dont work. How can I send a message for my web app?
Thanks for the time
Ok thank again for the time :)
Hello I whant to call a large rutine in vfp, I think the best way is using a rsp program. Is posible to cal my rsp from javascrip ?
Thanks for the time
Ok, thanks Barry IŽll be waiting for the new releace. And thanks for the time :)
Hello look I only use font-size: 15px; in the desktop look nice but in ewb dont do it.
Thanks for the time
Hello I try to change the font-size in my grid section , because dont fit in the web view. How can I change the css style for web in grid section?
Thanks for the time.
Hello Hank , ok I found the error, theres no error in the grid, this happpend becouse the table come from VFP , I create a new table in Lianja and append records from the old table, then VOILA it...
I run the web app and use F12 but I dont see any error , I attach 2 image if you see The first grid in page 1 have data but if I skip to the last or the page 2 , the data appears equal.
Hello I have 2 sections with grids, this are relation and I use Virtual tables, well this works fine if I run the app in desktop, if I run in web , the relation works, the 2 grids show correct data...
Hi Hank, thanks for the time, it works so fine , I see in my chrome navigator in my desktop machine in the appcenter the install icon, it works fine , but I try to use in
my celphone the chrome but...
Hello I see theres no more phonegap , I make my app and yes I can test in my chrome navegator and I can swicht the view to tablet and phone it works fine. But I can test my app in my android...