I'm very excited to see what the new version 11 has to offer, especially since no innovations have been released for more than 4 months.
Type: Posts; User: Schlingmeier
I'm very excited to see what the new version 11 has to offer, especially since no innovations have been released for more than 4 months.
Where can I see what new changes are planned in the future. I am particularly interested in whether there will be further improvements to scheduling. Greetings and all the best for the New Year.
I have set the height of the combo box to 60 as with the other buttons. However, the display is only shown in detail. What do I overlook or have to set so that the entire height is used.
Is there...
In Canvas I have the problem when I change the font, it is not accepted, no matter what selection I make. What am I missing ?
Greetings Olaf
When I click on Italy in the desktop app, this is correctly displayed at the top of "Input". In the web app, the display is not adjusted. The display lingers on the first data position, no matter...
Sorry Barry, but I had already done this setting. Split grid = true and Show split edit = true. In the desktop app, it only doesn't work in the browser window.
In the example app example_webapp1 I get two buttons Browse and Edit in the browser version. I can't understand how these buttons were placed there. In the Windows app, these buttons are not present....
Ok, I understood if the action bar is true. But since I don't want to use them, my question can also be done programmatically.
The CSS setting with the help of the CSS libraries works well. I now only have the problem of how I can achieve that the button turns yellow, for example, when you move the mouse on it. Thanks and...
If I include icons in the footer menu like lib:/icons/add.png and only want the icon to be displayed, I don't want the text Add or Delete to be displayed, because the icons are unique. Then I have...
I'm still confused by the variety of CSS styles. In the app I have the CSS library, here I can store the corresponding CSS classes, e.g. . mybutton_footer. Now I also have a CSS style under...
The function Lianja.get("page1.section2").grid.first() works when a row is selected in the grid. Then she jumps to the first page and also marks the first line. If I then start .grid.last()...
Thanks Barry, it worked out with the CSS library. But if I want to have a change, e.g. border: 1px black; So this change is not accepted. I have stored the following command in footer Button css:...
Thank you Barry. I have another question about that. There is a CSS style in the app for desktop, web, tablet and phone. This is clear to me so far, since certain CSS should only apply to Web or...
Die Funktion Lianja.get("page1.section2").grid.first() funktioniert wenn eine Zeile im Grid markiert ist. Dann springt sie zu ersten Seite und markiert auch die erste Zeile. Wenn ich dann...
I noticed that the commands: Lianja.get("page1.section2").grid.first() and Liana.get("page.section2").grid.last() don't work in Javascript. I noticed that the commands:...
I have an understanding problem. To influence the CSS of the buttons in the footer, I have to set CSS [lianja_ui_custom_button="1"] in Footer Button. Where "1" stands for button of the footer. In the...
I use the icons in the footers. The example specified #lib:icons/add.png-@ Add,... That also works. The color of the icon and the caption is black. Can you change the color like with the images there...
If I have set the language de and Enable google translator=.t., the text is displayed correctly in German when deleted. The buttons, however, are not translated. What am I missing?
Entering command data in the Custom menu field is very cumbersome. With Footer button CSS, I get a button at the end of the line with "..." If I click on it, I get an edit menu where I can...
In the footer menue I read in the description that a gear symbol is shown, with the help of which the menu can be set. This symbol does not appear for me. What am I missing.
Then I saw in this...
Thanks Barry, but unfortunately I couldn't see it immediately on my screen. So I have to add every attribute I want to use in the MetaEditor. Is there a way to take over all settings completely...
I looked at the form. What I couldn't understand is how I can call the setting of a Section2 >Grid in the Metatype Editor. The selections in the right column refer exclusively to Page. So how can I...
It's not entirely clear to me yet. What function does mylib have if the myfunc1 function exists as an independent file.prg. Where and how are these files created? Do I create this manually with an...