- gcjm
- Age
- 79
About gcjm
- Biography:
- 1970: IBM and "ESER", PL/1 progr.
1980: PC: DBASE, Fortran, Pascal projects
1990: Automatic Construction System for clothing industry, Pascal and Foxpro progr.
2000: Webdesign, Foxpro, AFP
2014: maybe Lianja? (if my needs realized)
- Location:
- Germany, near Jena and Weimar
- Interests:
- Organ playing, wind surfing
- Occupation:
- Foxpro and (maybe later on) Lianja projects
Total Posts
- Total Posts
- 320
- Posts Per Day
- 0.07
General Information
- Last Activity
- 2025-02-04 03:48
- Join Date
- 2012-02-02
- Referrals
- 0