HOWTO Build a digital dashboard in Lianja
, 2021-11-29 at 23:45 (21711 Views)
A digital dashboard is a business intelligence tool that allows business leaders to track, analyze and report on KPIs and metrics. Modern, interactive dashboards make it easy to combine data from multiple sources and deeply explore and analyze the data directly within the dashboard itself.
You can build a digital dashboard in Lianja without any coding needed.
In this article I will show you the steps needed to build a dashboard like this.
Dashboards are made up of cells which can be of different sizes.
Note that the cells are all related together as you navigate records using the ActionBar or the Query Builder. The Dashboard cells maintain their section relationships that you have specified.
Any type of section can be placed in a cell even custom sections.
Let's get started.
Firstly create a new page and in the page attributes check Accordion behavior.
Tip: type acc in the App Inspector Search Bar to filter the attributes.
A dashboard section occupies the whole of a page when it is rendered. As with all other Lianja UI sections it has an ID, in this case section2.
Sections contained on the page that belong to the dashboard should have their Dashboard group attribute set to the name of the dashboard group they belong to. In this case section2.
Add additional sections to the page and specify the Horizontal and Vertical stretch factors.
The next three sections each have their Vertical stretch set to 33.333% so each cell is the same height.
Click the Preview Live in Browser icon.
and we have a dashboard.