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  1. HOWTO Working with HTML Articles in Lianja 9.4

    Lianja 9.4 (9.4.3) supports the ability to Create, Edit and Display HTML Articles in an ArticleView section or in the Report Viewer.

    Articles are HTML formatted files that can contain {macros} and other embedded content which are substituted when displayed.

    Articles are embedded in an ArticleView and are dynamically generated. They can be used in Desktop, Web and Mobile Apps.

    Uses of Articles

    Articles have a variety of uses including:

    Updated 2023-10-16 at 03:41 by barrymavin

    HOWTO , LianjaDev , NoCode , LowCode
  2. HOWTO Working with reports in Lianja 9.4

    A Visual Report Builder is a tool that allows you to create and customize reports from your data without coding. You can use a visual report builder to:

    • Visualize data in different ways, such as charts, graphs, maps, tables, and more. Visualizing your data can help you discover patterns, trends, and insights that are not easily seen in raw numbers or text.
    • Analyze your data from different sources, such as forms, surveys, databases, spreadsheets, or online services. You can filter,

    Updated 2023-10-11 at 13:00 by barrymavin

    NoCode , LowCode , HOWTO , LianjaDev
  3. HOWTO Working with Lianja grids

    Lianja grids are highly customizable and flexible. In this article I will explain the magical features and functionality of Lianja grids which is particularly relevant to No-Code and Low-Code developers.

    All of this functionality is available in Desktop, Web and Mobile Apps.

    So let's get started.

    Grid overview

    In its simplest form a grid displays data in rows and columns with the ability to browse millions of records with built in pagination. ...

    Updated 2023-06-15 at 02:24 by barrymavin

    NoCode , LowCode , HOWTO
  4. HOWTO use the Lianja Cloud Admin Console

    The Lianja Admin Console for Lianja Cloud provides you with everything you need to administer your users, databases, packages, reports and - very importantly - forensics in the cloud. It also contains a real time dashboard that is dynamically updated. This monitors the users connected and the CPU, memory and disk usage. The Lianja Admin Console is a Lianja App so you can open it in the App Builder, study how it is implemented, modify it and enhance it and deploy it to your server.

    NoCode , HOWTO
  5. HOWTO Build a digital dashboard in Lianja

    A digital dashboard is a business intelligence tool that allows business leaders to track, analyze and report on KPIs and metrics. Modern, interactive dashboards make it easy to combine data from multiple sources and deeply explore and analyze the data directly within the dashboard itself.

    You can build a digital dashboard in Lianja without any coding needed.

    In this article I will show you the steps needed to build a dashboard like this.

    Dashboards are made ...

    Updated 2021-11-30 at 06:21 by barrymavin

    LianjaDev , NoCode , HOWTO
  6. HOWTO build a package, upload it and install it in a Cloud Server

    Lianja Package Files (.lpk) are used to package up Apps, databases and Library files to transfer to another Lianja App Builder installation.
    They can also be installed/updated automatically by the Lianja Cloud Server.

    1. Build a package

    You build a Lianja package file (.lpk) in the "Deploy" workspace.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screen Shot 2021-11-29 at 9.51.24 AM.jpg 
Views:	45226 
Size:	127.3 KB 
ID:	2668

    Note: If you have a project open then the files contained within the project will already ...

    Updated 2021-11-28 at 22:25 by barrymavin

    LowCode , ProCode , HOWTO , LianjaDev , NoCode
  7. HOWTO integrate Lianja and VFP with concurrent data access

    Many developers have requested the ability to be able to build modern Web Apps in Lianja while running legacy VFP applications side by side accessing the same data.

    Although this is possible using Lianja virtual tables with the VFP ODBC driver, OLEDB provides better performance and flexibility.

    In Lianja 6.3 we have provided the ability to use OLEDB providers as an alternative means of transparent data access.

    Let’s look at how we can integrate Lianja and ...

    Updated 2022-01-18 at 01:22 by barrymavin

    LianjaDev , NoCode , LowCode , ProCode
  8. Understanding UI Data Queries in Lianja

    There are many types of data queries in Lianja Apps. UI consistency is important for onboarding users with minimum training being needed. Providing powerful built-in data querying is an important requirement of a No-Code and Low-Code platform.

    Action queries

    An action query is a query that navigates between records using the ActionBar.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screen Shot 2021-11-29 at 10.51.04 AM.jpg 
Views:	45290 
Size:	125.9 KB 
ID:	2674

    Instant Search

    Instant Search allows the user to search the data on ...

    Updated 2021-11-29 at 00:31 by barrymavin

    LianjaDev , NoCode , LowCode , ProCode , HOWTO
  9. Understanding Responsive UI Apps

    I'm sure you may have heard the term "Responsive UI" used. This article explains what it is and how Lianja handles a responsive UI in more ways than can be imagined.

    Let's look at the functionality built into Lianja to let you build Apps that can run on multiple devices all with possibly different screen resolutions. This is a fundamental feature of LIanja and requires no coding to build Apps with a responsive UI.

    The UI of an App can adjust its appearance based ...

    Updated 2021-11-06 at 06:06 by barrymavin

    LianjaDev , NoCode
  10. No-Code / Low-Code QuickStart in Lianja

    No-code Developer QuickStart in Lianja

    Understanding the Lianja application architecture

    Creating a database and its tables

    Creating an App

    Creating a page

    Updated 2021-11-06 at 06:08 by barrymavin

    LowCode , LianjaDev , NoCode
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