Is any deep info document how will this work and if the mobile app witch been make for Android work on Windows mobile platform.
Thanks G
2013-02-26, 04:32
Sorry for the late reply, we did not see this post for some reason.
We have internal documents on this but they are not for general consumption.
The whole concept behind Lianja Apps is that you visually design and develop your apps using the Lianja App Builder.
Apps are saved as XAML files and are platform and UI agnostic.
The desktop, web and mobile clients read the XAML file, parse it and render a UI using appropriate UI controls for UI device that they are running on.
This architecture provides a high level of abstraction and provides the ability for us to develop clients for just about any device including desktop, web, mobile and SmartTVs.
Please visit the main lianja website at ( and see the roadmap at