View Full Version : Norton Internet Security / Norton AntiVirus WS.Reputation.1 detection

2012-05-01, 09:01
Norton Internet Security / Norton AntiVirus WS.Reputation.1 detectionDue to the newness and incremental version refreshes of the Lianja installation, Norton products may flag the download with 'WS.Reputation.1' as they have not yet been able to compute a reputation score for the application. Please see the information here (http://community.norton.com/t5/Norton-Internet-Security-Norton/Clarification-on-WS-Reputation-1-detection/m-p/232155/message-uid/232155/highlight/true#U232155)for how to retrieve the download if it gets quarantined and more about how WS.Reputation.1 detection works.

Note: Although the Betas are not, Lianja full releases will be code signed.