View Full Version : How to display null values in choices

2015-01-05, 10:18
A listbox doesn't show an empty row when browsing through data.

The last entered choice is displayed on every row with a null value.

Choices : SELECT omschrijving FROM titel ORDER BY omschrijving
Getdatamapping : keylookup("titel", "titel", nvl("{}","$%"), omschrijving)
Setdatamapping : keylookup("titel", "omschrijving", "{}", titel)

This does work :
Getdatamapping : keylookup("titel", "titel", nvl("{}","$%"), omschrijving, "<empty>")
But we don't want to display "<empty>", an empty field (spaces) should be displayed.

This doesn't work either :
Getdatamapping : keylookup("titel", "titel", nvl("{}","$%"), omschrijving, "")
Getdatamapping : keylookup("titel", "titel", nvl("{}","$%"), omschrijving, " ")
Getdatamapping : keylookup("titel", "titel", nvl("{}","$%"), omschrijving, chr(32))

2015-01-05, 10:37
Choicelists had an enhancement added to them so that if the SQL SELECT started with a + then a blank entry was added as the first entry in the list.

It sounds like that was not added to the listbox. Please submit an ER that being the case.

2015-01-05, 15:59

Do you mean :
SELECT + omschrijving FROM titel ORDER BY omschrijving


+ SELECT omschrijving FROM titel ORDER BY omschrijving

2015-01-05, 19:40
The second one.


2015-01-06, 11:42
Thnx, it works OK.