View Full Version : SQL Server on Linux Centos 6
I have just installed Lianja SQL Server on a Centos 6 machine that uses Gnome.
The installation wizard came up and no issues seem to have been encountered.
Now that it's installed, I don't know what to do or how to access it.
I see files in /opt/Lianja/Server.
I also can't find any documentation on how to use and/or set up Lianja SQL Server.
Please also keep in mind that I am not familiar on using Linux systems.
2014-07-30, 09:46
Hi Cory
The doc is in the wiki
The first thing to remember about Linux is that file names and directory names are case sensitive.
Hi Barry,
I have reviewed the three pages for Linux although I'm still uncertain of what I need to do.
I have typed 'service lianjad status' and the response was "Lianja Server is running".
At this point, it appears that SQL Server was installed and is now running.
2014-07-30, 18:32
Hi Cory
Then if the server is running and assuming you have setup symbolic links to access your existing data you just connect to the server as you would any other database server from your windows client tsing ODBC.
you can create a new DSN on windows and connect to the Linux server from the console/ODBC tab. You then test that everything is working as expected then when you are satisfied with the outcome, create some virtual tables on the windows client that access data in the Linux server.
Hi Barry,
I still have some confusion and hopefully you can continue to point me in the right direction.
1. ODBC connection (windows machine)
- Do I use the Lianja ODBC manager?
- Do I use database or directory option?
- Trying to test, all items are successful except for SQLDriverConnect
- "The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found."
- Do I use Windows ODBC utility (if yes, then 32 bit or 64 bit version)?
- What driver type would I select?
2. Data on Centos machine
Currently the app accesses the data from a mapped drive (used by ADD TABLE).
- How does this affect the app if I now use Lianja SQL Server?
- Can I continue to use the mapped drive data?
- Does the data need to be moved into the /opt/lianja/server/data folder?
- How do this work for virtual tables?
2014-07-31, 08:49
Hi Barry,
I still have some confusion and hopefully you can continue to point me in the right direction.
1. ODBC connection (windows machine)
- Do I use the Lianja ODBC manager?
- Do I use database or directory option?
- Trying to test, all items are successful except for SQLDriverConnect
- "The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found."
- Do I use Windows ODBC utility (if yes, then 32 bit or 64 bit version)?
- What driver type would I select?
2. Data on Centos machine
Currently the app accesses the data from a mapped drive (used by ADD TABLE).
- How does this affect the app if I now use Lianja SQL Server?
- Can I continue to use the mapped drive data?
- Does the data need to be moved into the /opt/lianja/server/data folder?
- How do this work for virtual tables?
Hi Cory,
Yes, use the Lianja ODBC Manager, select Directory and specify the parent directory of your existing database. If this does not resolve the connection issue make sure that both machines can ping each other by name and IP.
Hi Dave,
In the 'Server' textbox, if I use \\192.168.x.xx I get the above mentioned error.
If I remove the leading slashes and test with diagnostics, the status shows SQL_ERROR and the description is "Successful Completion".
I can ping each computer with the IP address and Windows can ping the Centos machine by name as well.
Also with Lianja SQL Server DSN Configuration, if I enter a random user and password, all tasks complete except the last task.
It doesn't appear that the user name and password are actually being verified.
In Lianja, if I enter the DSN name "Centos" in the connection string textbox, I get:
ODBC connection to Centos failed
2014-07-31, 10:52
Hi Cory,
The Server field is just the IP or hostname of the server so no slashes needed.
The Centos machine needs to be able to ping the Windows machine by name as well. A quick workaround for this is to add an entry for the Windows machine to the /etc/hosts file on Centos. (If there are no entries in there yet it's just IP hostname with each entry on a separate line: " cory".)
Hi Dave,
I have removed the leading slashes and added the windows machine to the centos file.
Ping was successful although it didn't make any difference when testing the connection.
2014-07-31, 13:06
Hi Cory,
One thing that I've been assuming is that you're starting the server as root. If not then see if that changes the behavior. The server always needs to be run as root.
Assuming that isn't the issue, let's enable logging and see what we can find there.
Stop the server: lianja-admin stop
Make sure the log directory is empty, by default it'll be /opt/lianja/cloudserver/tenants/public/log/
Start the server with logging enabled: lianja-admin start logging
Attempt to make your connection - I'd suggest by using the test button from the Lianja ODBC Manager.
Feel free to take a look at the log(s) yourself and see if you find anything obvious. Otherwise email them to me and I'll take a look.
Hi Dave,
The system is logged in as root.
The path you indicated does not exist.
I only have /opt/lianja/server
In the server directory, there is an empty log directory.