View Full Version : easy array define for 2-column array?
In Lianja, an easy way to declare a 1-column array is:
la = ("Hank","Barry","David")
Is there a comparable way to define a 2-column array?
2014-02-08, 21:25
Hi Hank,
You use {..} not (..) (typo?)
See attached screenshot:
Alternatively if you know JSON you can create objects and arrays with members that are objects and arrays like this:
Ah, I see. Thanks!
And I used the plain parens, and it did work: good for you! <s> But, for 2-column, squiggly-brackets are required, per your example.
2014-02-08, 21:54
Actually ( .. ) doesn't work the same as { .. }.
In Lianja you can initialize all elements in an array like this.
dimension la(5)
la = 0
If you assign an bracketed expression to the array it is just initialized to that value.
You need to use {..}.
Hmph! That's what I get for not checking it again: you're right of course, plain parens don't work. I swear it did that once <s>.