- Chat with other VFP developers on how to migrate VFP applications
- Simple start - prg starts form
- Next try - prg starts class as a form
- Migrating Visual FoxPro Forms and Components to Lianja
- Did the way of importing vfp-projects change with Beta 10?
- Why are vfp-forms imported in a vfp-section and not in a canvas section?
- Form Import with Base Classes
- Referential Integrity on DBC Import
- seconds(), string length,...
- Will complex VFP forms be supported
- How do you Import a Form using a Class Library
- VFP to Lianja - VFP DBC import
- VFP application rewrite
- Importing PJX stays on 'Importing .."
- Waiting to Test VFP Import
- Files Missing when Importing Project
- Replacement for _SCREEN
- Question/Suggestion for Importer
- Short news for VFP developers
- Hello, I am new Lianja user (speak in Spanish) How use my VFP project in Lianja?
- Importing VFP form with a problem
- List of Functions & Commands Where Lianja is Different from VFP
- Execscript() Creates Temp File
- Lianja in a nutshell for VFP migration
- Help File and Context-Sensitive Help
- Semicolon replaced during migration
- Import entire VFP Project... How do it?
- Visual Design New Forms
- Import pjx
- Picture property when importing project
- Import view BDC
- Apps with two DBCs
- Debug VFP migrated programs
- Using DBFs
- VCO vs VCP?
- Batch loading VFP9 data into Lianja via scripting
- Select command
- Define class
- Copy to array
- strtran
- iif function
- debug
- this.tabindex
- Lianja hard fail
- Events sequence
- There are some open questions for Foxpro developer!
- class relations
- Send my apps to clients
- Controls Property Not Supported for VFP Containers/Forms?
- Class migration and class redefine
- report forms
- Performance issues
- First Experiences with VFP Migration to Lianja 1.1.2
- create cursor
- New to Lianja VFP user
- combobox doesn't work
- tabindex
- My apps are "hidden"
- vfp to Lianja differences
- Replace vcx for vcp and scx to scp... is enough?
- Lianja and Office and Acrobat
- Use of reports
- Componets directories
- VFP reserved words discontinued
- Imported VFP project and DBC files. Now what?
- Linefeeds (in VFP put) in Lianja memo field missing
- Form and pages
- Menus management
- Dates before 1900
- importar una aplicacion de vpf
- Work with multiple tables
- Copy Record Button
- VFP exe
- vfp free table import to an existing lianja sql database
- How to deal with VFP's local and remote views?
- JavaScript side-by-side with VFP
- hmm what object is this
- replace command
- Recommended VFP ODBC Driver?
- Select fron a vfp table that is not part of a database
- Lianja App Builder 5.0
- Event correspondance
- ODBC Environment Handle
- Gradually converting a Foxpro for Dos application
- access and assign methods/events for imported VFP classlibs
- VFP ODBC primer
- ERROR Unrecognized phrase/keyword near column 37... - Migrating VFP6 DBC
- Does Menus (.mnx files) in VFP can be migrated to Lianja?
- how to migrate a Lianja VARCHAR field to a Visual Fox Pro MEMO field
- Google Map JavaScript in VFP implementation for WebView
- Grid Creation without Data Source