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  1. Beta 4 does not work after december 1st 2011.
  2. Will there be a visual designer with which to design pages?
  3. Android
  4. When will beta 5.2 be available?
  5. How do I customize a chart in a chart section?
  6. What VFP language funtionality will NOT be supported?
  7. Advanced Controls: Are they active?
  8. Are you planning to incorporate MS languages like C# in Lianja?
  9. How I Can create report ?
  10. What do you want to ask?
  11. Trying to change the font size used to display Employee information in the demo
  12. Where are the directory-settings for data, apps and templates stored?
  13. How will Transparent Connectivity compare in performance to VFP data access
  14. How do I create or alter database tables in the Lianja App Builder?
  15. record locking
  16. Filtered Indexes
  17. What is the best screen resolution to use when developing apps?
  18. How do I rearrange the columns of a grid section?
  19. Easy way to rearrange the items on the form?
  20. How do I validate the data that is entered in a field on a form?
  21. Can I add fields to a form that are not bound to a database table?
  22. How can I restrict the data that is entered
  23. Is there any way to add data validation in pages that I build?
  24. How do I rearrange the sections on a page?
  25. Pricing
  26. Mobile Hardware Access?
  27. Mobile Theming By OS?
  28. I don't have a "Runtime View" icon on the header bar.
  29. Will there be a visual designer with which to design pages?
  30. Attribute Editor: keyboard shortcuts? ER: semantic UI
  31. Lookup
  32. RTF or HTML editor
  33. Add column in a grid
  34. Reporting: How-to?
  35. Reports: Visual Design?
  36. "You must close the current application before performing this action."
  37. Sugestions for the command line
  38. Dynamically add colums to grids.
  39. Browse command very slow
  40. TabPage
  41. quickreports
  42. Does the Lianja App Builder run on Windows 8
  43. Is data compatible across all supported platforms
  44. What is the Lianja App Builder
  45. Tip: Dragging background images from file explorer
  46. Tip: Specifying business rules in grids
  47. Tip: Dynamic choice lists
  48. VFP Visual Class-Library (VCX-Files)
  49. Tip: HTML formatted tooltips and other messages
  50. Team Development / Integration of source code control system
  51. LAN to SQL
  52. Data Base update
  53. Can I delete a column from a grid section..
  54. How to refresh a grid section?
  55. Create an OLE automation Server
  56. Non-dynamic captions in Section?
  57. I'm testing Lianja Beta 8, eyes with it.
  58. How to watch variables in debug workspace?
  59. ? Lianja.name in the Console: BOOM!
  60. Suppress Lianja splash screen?
  61. How to start using VFP9 DBC and tables
  62. Editor, er, insufficiencies
  63. How to build a form
  64. Column attributes - is this a Data dictionary?
  65. Tabview - how to add pages
  66. Page collection
  67. Browse window not ready yet for production use
  68. CommandButton properties
  69. Pages based on Form and Canvas
  70. Where do I put my code
  71. Input mask on Canvas - how does it work?
  72. refresh field
  73. Listbox
  74. How do I know if a table have an index?
  75. differences between the console and Script.
  76. Replace in Validation
  77. Create custom window
  78. Error importing SCX on Mac
  79. function environment
  80. Example would be nice
  81. Runtime Error Handling, Logging
  82. SCSS and/or SASS support?
  83. Two Bugs Found...
  84. Unhelpful "error in column 63" message in data builder
  85. ER: Field builder: display type specs along with name
  86. ER: Field Builder: Make Attributes tab editable
  87. Adding varchar field to Section adds column
  88. Tree: can it be used to organize data?
  89. CSS styling a Lianja "Webview" section
  90. Order of Page Events
  91. new "change" events
  92. Tooltip
  93. Bug? Image on Canvas, Drop Image Here???
  94. GetElementByID problem
  95. activeControl
  96. Bug (0.9.2): varchar() drop on canvas toolbar missing
  97. What happens to side-by-side controls when the page width decreases?
  98. Bug: Left and Top Relative Not Working (at least in this scenario)
  99. Control name change not reflected in delegate code
  100. How to use Choices entered in DB in combobox?
  101. how to update a field by code?
  102. active table question
  103. macro substitution
  104. Creating Custom Gadget .prg file: how?
  105. Gadgets Questions
  106. Form Sections and Editbox Placement
  107. Choices Don't Refresh: are set at "drop" time?
  108. How do I get add a Logical unbound field to a Form section?
  109. Instant selection
  110. Getting directly to the editor: possible?
  111. Hint: Close current app by switching to Home
  112. A little help with debug.
  113. Browse grid
  114. Linux Canvas Demo Issues
  115. SQL Error 5000
  116. Version control
  117. Should MODI COMM search path? It isn't.
  118. About Relations in the App Builder
  119. Container
  120. How to add code to CommandGroup?
  121. How to retrive value from grid
  122. Copy and Paste Controls
  123. Fatal error linking tables
  124. Columns in Grids Resizing
  125. listbox
  126. Mac and windows versions
  127. How to prevent a label image from Scaling?
  128. Border radius not saved on label
  129. Why not possible multicolumn listbox?
  130. CSS Properties not Applied Correctly
  131. Event order
  132. Help Integration in Apps
  133. Does the Lianja Object have a User Object/Property?
  134. Lianja Roles Question
  135. Can buttons be added to the Section's Actionbar?
  136. How to Change Width of OptionButton Caption?
  138. Charts
  139. Can Button Images be Customized on Action Bars?
  140. How to run custom code?
  141. How avoid broken code when renaming field?
  142. Memo fileds
  143. Wrong Keyboard Short on Apps Menu
  144. How is // DEBUG:WATCHPOINT:lcTxt supposed to work?
  145. WOW: Import of .SCX and .VCX files will be possible with the next refresh for beta9
  146. Regain left side bar
  147. Is there Documentation for hotkey, Link Clicked Delegates?
  148. What is the difference between a text box and a numeric textbox?
  149. Problem with Image Delegates
  150. Beautify is back! (0.9R6)
  151. SCX and VCX Import Coming!
  152. How to detect row change in a TreeGrid
  153. How to change the foreground and background color of data in a TreeGrid
  154. Is this a bug or by design in the Treegrid?
  155. How to code in AfterDataUpdate
  156. How to import vcx into the library workspace?
  157. Intellitips in Library Editor working?
  158. When to use Canvas section
  159. Weird behavior
  160. TabView
  161. Click event on grid column header?
  162. .SCP form
  163. Beta ( R8
  164. Text..Endtext usage a macros
  165. How to Run App after Import PJX
  166. Controlling Report Section through code
  167. Navigation button
  168. Tip: How to paste pictures into the HTML Editor Section (almost)
  169. Autocomplete textbox
  170. Macroing Table Name for a Tab
  171. HOW to Show Foreign Key data.
  172. Cancel does not seem to work as I would exprct
  173. I would like to know what is first in lianja to begin?.
  174. Read-only Fields in Form Section
  175. section relation with multiple fields
  176. DataChanged
  177. Phone Number / Date formatting in Lianja
  178. App Storage Option Modifiable?
  179. Lianja Event for opening file in editor?
  180. there is a way to open a "page" as if it were a window?
  181. How to fill a combobox?
  182. 2nd canvas section does not refresh
  183. How to set the tab order in a canvas section?
  184. How to remove the headerbar and the actionbar
  185. Where is the Help Workspace?
  186. problems refreshing data
  187. Cancel INSERT in a BeforeInsert Trigger
  188. how to set formfield delegate by code?
  189. Keylookup
  190. Dialog Button
  191. How to get data back after hiding it.
  192. Attributes for text box on form and canvas
  193. Special Input masks on text fields
  194. Table rename
  195. Get Date Mapping and Set Data Mappting
  196. Unable to Save Data from Data Work Space
  197. Changed CSS Style doesn't change until App Builder restarted?
  198. Webview Widget: Inspector not available?
  199. Opening an App Lianja returns a Runtime error. How to find it?
  200. Show OK/Cancel buttons and Show Add/Delete buttons always show even when set to false
  201. hwnd
  202. Form Field Default value syntax
  203. Field name
  204. socket
  205. set field property by code
  206. get data mapping
  207. How cannot I get a screen layout like the attached image?
  208. Pie chart values
  209. strange display in a dropdown..
  210. lost record set
  211. keylookup: where I'm wrong?
  212. How to use & or % in section title?
  213. delegate exposed
  214. GetElementByID called with a variable..
  215. List of values in "Data Choices" ?
  216. change delegate
  217. Tabview problem
  218. interactive change delegate fires twice ?
  219. ActiveX Controls Does not Recognize License
  220. What's new in rc 5.7?
  221. set or get data mapping problem
  222. change delegate
  223. Change, Data Changed, Interactive Change
  224. Using Lianja System Object Properties
  225. Section field as a parameter
  226. Sorting a grid
  227. script location
  228. Form section & column divider
  229. Change between tabs
  230. Add column to existing grid (section or gadget)?
  231. How to determine whether in Dev or Runtime environment?
  232. Custom Listbox width
  233. APPCRASH error
  234. How to remove items
  235. removing a view from App Builder Data workspace
  236. Tutorials hard to follow
  237. Grid data from multiple tables
  238. Date Formatting with data mapping
  239. Sections vs Gadgets
  240. Grid section attributes not visible
  241. Tutorial Continuation
  242. keylookup with 2 fields
  243. Strange behavior of "Change delegate"
  244. builder exist when no record into table
  245. SAVE DATASESSION TO m_state
  246. Grid section with variable table
  247. Export FoxPro 2.x Compatible Table
  248. default value for a field
  249. Autosuggestion
  250. keylookup error