- cont'd
- Hi, I have an input-field in a section;
- activex
- VFP commands and functions supported by Lianja?
- serialize/deserialize objects?
- Garbage collection
- Event callbacks from the application framework in Recital/VFP
- Length of a character string in Lianja?
- maximum length of a procedure or function name in Lianja?
- OLE in Lianja
- Share your expertise
- Coding Tip: Using data sessions
- Coding Tip: Using anonomous classes
- Coding Tip: Accessing parameters given to a .rsp web page URI
- How to BROWSE MSSQL server or other data in Lianja
- How to transform a SQL-Select-Object into a Cursor
- Coding tip: Viewing word, excel, PDF etc documents
- Coding tip: Sending email the cross platform way
- Coding tip: Working with INI files
- Coding tip: Code and Data profiler
- Are variables holding objects immutable?
- function sample
- open table by function
- table procedure
- WAIT WINDOW functional differences
- Need the functions like foxpro
- FoxPro
- How to read/write database metadata?
- switch different tables used in form
- .visible property on textbox: should it work?
- Set datasession to ???
- Assigning Functions to Method names
- Vartype(.null.) in Lianja "L", in vfp "X"
- compile a vfox application
- Unclear on what is supposed to work in Browse when testing
- differing null behavior vfp and Lianja, string too long, evl(), nulldisplay
- Adding Object() as Property Value doesn't: should it?
- Macro substituion -- how do I?
- backslash vs. slash in file access
- How to import a pjx and/or vcx and/or scx
- Documentation On Column, Table constraints need links to Create Table, etc.
- Return of GetFieldstate("Fieldname"|n>1): N in vfp, C in Lianja;(-1) not in Lianja
- "Foxtools" file functions are, in fact, available in Lianja
- textbox click event
- textbox on canvas dialogue button: missing in action
- grid.Column properties and methods
- ACCESS and ASSIGN equivalents
- About localization ?
- Lianja Notation / Visual FoxPro Scripts in Lianja
- order of functions and class definitions in Lianja prgs
- Top, Left, Width do not work
- What has to be set for a combobox?
- How to access other Controls?
- Only up to 5 includes possible?
- Nesting Container
- After import how to go on?
- Table disapeard while testing - Data section - Tables: ankrtort (encrypted)
- declaring variables, mDot,...
- Dynamic name for a cursor
- Local variables in a methode
- MESSAGEBOX( ) Function : Dialog box buttons missing
- Script syntax enhancement = Array and Dicts/Associative Array Assignment
- Trying to add some bells to the screen importer
- source line length limit in contiued lines ?
- How to Create a Grid
- How to Add Menu Separator using ADD OBJECT
- Commandbutton Outline on Toolbar
- Unknown control in Form INIT
- Are Menu Options Supported?
- Best Way to Run a Form
- What Happened in 5.7?
- button
- Examples and videos
- set classlib - release classlib
- NULL-Value to a Objectreference will not work
- Dodefault() in INIT-Methode
- Share classlib between apps
- Sequence of Form Events
- On Shutdown and Clear Events
- FOR EACH with CONTROLS in a form
- app files, runs in Lianja?
- Copy to
- Optiongroup
- Is Property Hiddenb or Protected
- How to work with ControlSource of a textbox
- append form one cursor to another does not work
- How to close a cursor with a dynamic name?
- How to run an imported vfp project
- Class Arrays?
- Error ny NODEFAULT in a Methode
- Simple VFP Function call
- #DEFINE and multiple classes in prg
- _acccess / _get supported?
- Class Not Defined
- Drilling down through an app
- Table import and SET KEY TO
- Wait window noclear
- ZAP IN is not working - just current work area
- open database closes open database
- SEEK doesn't support ORDER
- Line continuation character?
- Create and build executable file
- Menus and sub-menus creation, edition and management
- How made and work toolbars
- Variable as label
- All inputmask value
- Using #include in library files
- Importing Visual FoxPro 8 DBC
- Our community must exchange source code for learning
- Commandbutton RightClick delegates Reightclick() and Click()
- Setfocus
- lianja with arabic UI
- Use of DO command in Lianja
- Formatting datetime in ISO 8601 format from VFP
- POSTURL() headers
- How to Subclass an object?
- RAND() problem
- cursoradapter.prepared vs cursoradapter.requery(myNewWhereClause)
- Insert record with memofield?
- My click event in treegrid Object make a loop
- Save a data in other database , this save ok, but if I modify it goes blank?
- VFP name expressions
- Syntax
- Password encryption
- Capturing key press in VFP custom section
- Is it currently possible to specify a free standing table while a database is open?
- Help splitting values of 1 column into different columns in VFP9 using SQL
- mobile app that communicates with my Desktop Sw.
- Can an ODBC handle by itself by used to find the dbtype of the connection?
- Tip: using DES Keys without putting the keys in your source code
- Some VFP custom grid querstions
- What event should I used to fire off a changed row in custom listbox?
- Appending/Inserting Records from JSON
- List of all constraints for a field
- VFP frx/reports
- DES3: 12,5,5 or 8,8,8
- SYSCOLUMNS: Nullable vs Is_Nullable
- UNIQUE Column Restraint: how to determine?
- Can't seem to get keylookup to work
- Mapping of VT column to Table column available?
- Syntax for referencing another column in the table
- Read XML file
- FileToString with non ASII files
- Using DLL
- Use of memowidth
- Append Automem
- Query multiple tables
- Using variable on virtual table
- astring - astore
- [solved] USE and SEEK / SEEK () as the target
- RSP file comment standard?
- manage binary data
- [Solved] type of key
- LianjaScript/VFP QuickStart with Lianja
- array / object as paramater