View Full Version : Lianja Application Framework

  1. Where can I find doc on the Application Framework classes?
  2. Asynchronous Operations?
  3. After BROWSE - pointer to record?
  4. Where to Open Tables?
  5. Interface Questions
  6. Working with web services and SOAP in Lianja
  7. datasource for web widget: should it reload the .rsp page
  8. CHANGED runs before VALIDATION?
  9. Delegate for login?
  10. Inline Delegate in Activate: should it run in runtime?
  11. textfield datasource data type: should the default data type stick?
  12. ParentDataChanged vs. section relation questions
  13. How to prevent section expand when user clicks on header
  14. Edit Mode and Done/Cancel Buttons
  15. section.edit() toggles, doesn't just set on
  16. Traversing the LOM
  17. Possible to retrieve generated html from webview?
  18. Macros in Footer Menu?
  19. Report paper size
  20. uistates and footermenu: how to beat the system?
  21. asynchronous calls
  22. Lianja.spawnApp() ???
  23. Calendar component
  24. Status of grid column sort
  25. Working with MultiRow selections in Grids
  26. How to display null values in choices
  27. Page lifecycle
  28. Lookup and pick field
  29. Lianja.spawnApp and parameter
  30. Finding Specific Class of UI Object
  31. What does the form layout option for container do?
  32. Tutorial: Understanding Custom UI Layouts
  33. Lianja 4.2 Query Picker
  34. Finding a thread on instantiating a cursor for a section "on the fly"