Becoming a Lianja MVP (Most Valuable Professional)

The Lianja MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award recognizes exceptional technical community leaders from around the world who voluntarily share their knowledge about Lianja technologies with others. MVPs are awarded on an annual basis and are based on the quantity and quality of their contributions on the Lianja Development Community Forums.

Potential MVPs are nominated by Lianja personnel who have noted their leadership and their willingness and ability to help others make the most of Lianja technology.

Becoming a Lianja MVP has special priviledges not available to other Lianja Development Community members. These include;

  • Early access to beta releases prior to general availability
  • Special product incentives
  • Direct email contact with the Lianja Development Team

Lianja is a community-driven development project. Get involved and help us help you!

Barry Mavin
CEO and Principal Developer of Lianja
Lianja Inc.