Pages Files Tab

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The App Inspector

The App Inspector is your best friend during development as it provides a complete overview of your App.

It is organized into Tabs. Each Tab is relevant to a particular workspace. You can double click a Tab to detach it into its own floating window.

Clicking the small icon on the far right of the App Inspector title bar will detach it into its own floating window.

Double clicking the window title bar when it is floating will attach it back into place.

App Inspector

The Pages Files Tab

From the Pages Files Tab you can drag and drop tables and their columns into the Page Builder visual page designer to create automatically data-bound controls.

You can also carry out many database administration operations just like in the Data Files Tab. The Pages Files Tab displays a list of tables in the current database (and allows you to open a database if none is open), a list of the columns from the currently selected table and the attributes for the currently selected column.

Drag and Drop

As we saw in the Getting Started Guide, you can click a table name and drag it onto an empty part of a Page to create a Form section and populate it with the columns from the table.

Adding Data-Bound Form Section

You can also add a Form Section from the Form Tools ...

Adding Form Section

and drag and drop the table ...

Adding Data-Bound Columns to a Form Section

or individual columns to populate it.

Adding Data-Bound Columns to a Form Section

Similarly for data-bound Grid Sections, add a Grid Section from the Form Tools ...

Adding Grid Section

and drag individual columns or the whole table:

Adding Data-Bound Columns to a Grid Section

Grid Sections can also be created directly using drag and drop. Just press the Shift key as you drag the table on to an empty part of the Page and a new Grid Section will be added and populated.

Adding Data-Bound Grid Section

Individual columns can be added to a Canvas Section. Add a Canvas Section from the Form Tools ...

Adding a Canvas Section

and drag and drop individual columns.

Adding Data-Bound Columns to a Canvas Section

Select a control then drag it to reposition it aided by the crosshairs, rulers and tooltip showing x, y coordinates, width x height and anchor values. (These aids from Lianja v4.1).

Fine-tune Control Position


If you did not select a database when creating your App, you can open a database from the Databases tab within the Pages Files Tab.

Pages Files Tab

Pro Tip

If you select a database when creating your App then close the App without adding any data-bound sections or formitems, you will need to re-select the database to load it in the Pages Files Tab and associate it with your App.

Table Names

By default, the Tables tab is displayed within the Pages Files Tab. Click on a table name in the Table Names panel to select it and display its columns and their attributes in the lower panels.

Hover the mouse over a table name row to display information about the table:

Pages Files Tab

From the actionbar you can add a New table (this will open the CREATE A TABLE dialog) or Delete the selected table:

Pages Files Tab

And click the Additional commands (cog) then Refresh to refresh the tables list:

Pages Files Tab

Column Names

The middle panel in the Tables tab of the Pages Files Tab displays the columns from the currently selected table. Double-click on a column name to open it in the MODIFY A COLUMN dialog so you can modify its definition and/or attributes.

Hover the mouse over a column name row to display information about the column:

Pages Files Tab

You can also open the MODIFY A COLUMN dialog by clicking on Edit in the actionbar.

The actionbar also has buttons to add a New column (opens the CREATE A COLUMN dialog) or Delete the selected column:

Pages Files Tab

And from the Additional commands (cog) select Refresh to refresh the columns list or Modify to open the MODIFY A COLUMN dialog:

Pages Files Tab

Column Attributes

The bottom panel in the Tables tab of the Pages Files Tab displays the definition and optional attributes for the currently selected column.

Pages Files Tab

Use the arrows in the actionbar to move between columns or select another column in the Column Names panel.

Pages Files Tab

The actionbar also has buttons to add a New column (opens the CREATE A COLUMN dialog) or Delete the selected column:

Pages Files Tab

And from the Additional commands (cog) select Refresh to refresh the columns list or Modify to open the MODIFY A COLUMN dialog. Alternatively, click the Edit button to modify the column.

Pages Files Tab

Dock Tab

To dock the tab back in the App Inspector, click the [x] or double-click the window title bar.

Pages Files Tab

See Also

Getting Started