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Displays database timeline transaction information


DISPLAY TIMELINE [RANGE <expC1> [, <expC2>]] [FOR <expL>] [TO FILE <.txt filename>]

See Also

ALTER DATABASE, CLEAR TIMELINE, Database Timelines Commands and Functions, Database Timelines (Video), DTOS(), LIST TIMELINE, MetaData Editor, ROLLBACK TIMELINE, SET SYSTIMELINE, SET TIMELINE, SET TIMESTAMP, SYSTEM TABLES, Systimeline System Table, TIMELINE(), Timeline Section Attributes, Understanding Database Timelines


DISPLAY TIMELINE displays database timeline transaction information. Database timelines provide row versioning for Lianja database applications. Whenever a change is made to a table that is timeline enabled, delta changes are automatically recorded for each transaction.

DISPLAY TIMELINE differs from the LIST TIMELINE command in that it pauses every 17 lines until a key is pressed.

The optional RANGE <expC1> [, <expC2>] clause allows the list to be restricted to transactions from a particular date <expC1> or transactions that fall between two inclusive dates: <expC1> and <expC2>.

The optional SINCE <expC3> clause allows the list to be restricted to transactions from a particular date <expC3> up to the present date.

The dates must be specified as strings in the format YYYYMMDDHH:MM:SS (including the time) or YYYYMMDD (date only). The DTOS() function can be used to convert date data type values to YYYYMMDD format. HH:MM:SS is the standard time format returned by the TIME() function.

The optional FOR <expL> clause, where <expL> is a valid logical expression, can also be used to restrict the output. For a structure listing of the database timeline storage table, please see SYSTIMELINE.

The output can be sent to a text file rather than the screen using the optional TO FILE <.txt filename> clause.

Transactions are displayed grouped by transaction date and include the following:

  • Time of transaction
  • Table name
  • Row number
  • Changed by user@hostname
  • Command
  • Field old and new values

To enable database timelines for a database, use the ALTER DATABASE <database> METADATA "timeline=on" command.


display timeline range dtos(date()-10), dtos(date()) for table = "example"