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Under Construction

See Also

QT Style Sheets Reference

QT Style Sheets Syntax

W3Schools CSS


Lianja Apps can be styled using CSS to your preferred theme or themes.


Use the CSS Style Attribute in the App Inspector Attributes tab or Attributes Dialog to specify the CSS properties.

CSS Style can be set to the name of a CSS file.

Use the 'app:/' prefix for a CSS file in the App:

CSS Style: app:/myapp.css

and the 'lib:/' prefix for a CSS file in the library.

CSS Style: lib:/myapp.css

The CSS file can contain CSS property definitions for a single UI element, multiple elements or for the whole App or multiple Apps. In the App Settings, the App CSS Style file will be created in the library by default, allowing the same CSS file to be used by multiple Apps.

Alternatively, CSS Style can be set to a character string. Each property definition is terminated with a semi-colon (;), for example:

CSS Style: border: 2px solid green; font: bold italic large "Times New Roman";

To access CSS Style in code using setAttribute() and getAttribute() the attribute name is cssStyle.

Lianja.get("page1.section1.field1").setAttribute('cssStyle','border: 2px solid green;
 font: bold italic large "Times New Roman";')
? Lianja.get("page1.section1.field1").getAttribute('cssStyle')

As well as the primary CSS Style attribute the following subcontrol styles can also be defined (the setAttribute() / getAttribute() attribute names are shown in brackets where available):


  • Page defaults:
    • Navigation bar CSS
    • Page menu CSS
  • Section defaults:
    • Header CSS
    • Section CSS


  • Navigation Panel: CSS Style (leftSidebarTreeStylesheet)


  • Header: Header CSS Style (headerCssStyle)
  • Subtitle: CSS Style (subtitleCssStyle)
  • Footer: Footer button CSS (footerButtonCss)

Checklistview Gadget:

  • Data: CSS Style (gadgetCssStyle)

Grid Gadget:

  • Data: CSS Style (gadgetCssStyle)

Treeview Gadget:

  • Data: CSS Style (gadgetCssStyle)

Listview Gadget:

  • Data: CSS Style (gadgetCssStyle)

Custom Sections and Gadgets In Custom Sections and Custom Gadgets using the Lianja UI Framework, the equivalent property is stylesheet (css is also supported).


In CSS files, selectors define the individual object or type of object to be styled.

Universal Selector

The asterisk (*) selects all objects.

It can be used on its own:

* {
	font:italic bold 12px/30px Georgia, serif;

or following an ID or Type selector to specify that properties should be cascaded to all objects lower in the hierarchy:

lianja_ui_page * {
	font: italic bold 12px/30px Georgia, serif;	

or preceding a Property selector to specify that it should apply to all objects with that property value:

* [user_attr1="16"] {
	border: 20px solid red; 

Note that this is the default behavior, so the * is not required.

ID Selectors

The ID selector #id selects by object name. For example:


In an App, each UI element is given a unique object id.

Page: pageid (Page 'name' attribute).

Section: pageid + "_" + sectionid (Section 'name' attribute).

Formitem: pageid + "_" + sectionid + "_" + formitemid (Form Section Field/Gadget or Canvas Section Advanced Control 'name' attribute).

#page1 * {
#page1_section1 * {
#page1_section1_field1 * {

Custom Sections and Gadgets In Custom Sections and Custom Gadgets using the Lianja UI Framework, the elements use the name property that you assign to them.

#nShipperID {

Type Selectors

Type selectors select by object type.

Pages, Sections and Formitems

The following selectors can be used for Lianja Pages, Sections and Formitems:


Selector UI Element
lianja_ui_page Lianja Page
[lianja_ui_page_footer] Lianja Page footer
[lianja_ui_page_header] Lianja Page header
[lianja_ui_page_panel] Lianja Page main panel
[lianja_ui_page_sidebar] Lianja Page left and right sidebars


Selector UI Element
lianja_ui_section Lianja Section
[lianja_ui_section_footer] Lianja Section footer


Selector UI Element
lianja_ui_section_formitem Lianja Formitem (Fields, Gadgets, Advanced Controls)
[lianja_ui_section_formitem_data] Lianja Formitem data
[lianja_ui_section_formitem_label] Lianja Formitem label (caption)
[lianja_ui_section_formitem_separator] Lianja 'Horizontal Separator' Formitem

UI Framework

The following selectors can be used for Advanced Canvas Controls and Lianja UI Framework classes in Custom Sections and Custom Gadgets:

Selector Canvas Control Class Subcontrols
lianja_ui_checkbox CheckBox Checkbox
lianja_ui_combobox ComboBox Combobox lianja_ui_combobox::down-arrow
lianja_ui_commandbutton CommandButton Commandbutton
lianja_ui_container Container
lianja_ui_control Control
lianja_ui_datetextbox Date TextBox Datetextbox lianja_ui_datetextbox::down-arrow
lianja_ui_datetimetextbox DateTime TextBox Datetimetextbox lianja_ui_datetimetextbox::down-arrow
lianja_ui_editbox Editbox Editbox
lianja_ui_editor Editor
lianja_ui_form Form
lianja_ui_grid Grid lianja_ui_grid::item
lianja_ui_label All (see note) Label
lianja_ui_listbox ListBox Listbox
lianja_ui_menu Menu
lianja_ui_menubar MenuBar
lianja_ui_menuitem MenuItem
lianja_ui_optionbutton OptionButton Optionbutton
lianja_ui_pageframe * Pageframe lianja_ui_pageframe * applies to the Pageframe and its Pages.
See also QTabBar and QTabBar::tab.
lianja_ui_popupmenu Popupmenu
lianja_ui_progressbar Progress Bar Progressbar
lianja_ui_richeditbox Rich Text Editor Richeditbox
lianja_ui_spinner Spinner Spinner lianja_ui_spinner::down-arrow | lianja_ui_spinner::down-button
lianja_ui_spinner::up-arrow | lianja_ui_spinner::up-button
lianja_ui_splitter Splitter
lianja_ui_tabpage Page
lianja_ui_textbox TextBox
Numeric TextBox
lianja_ui_toolbar Toolbar
lianja_ui_toolbox Toolbox
lianja_ui_tree TreeGrid Tree lianja_ui_tree::branch

Note: lianja_ui_label selects:

  • All Advanced Canvas Controls
  • Form Section Fields and Gadgets
  • Page Headers and Sidebars
  • Custom Section panel


Selector Applies to
BROWSE, Grid Object and Grid Section column headers
QTableView::item BROWSE, Grid Object and Grid Section cells
QTableCornerButton::section Grid Object top left corner button
QTabBar Pageframe or TabView Section tab bar
QTabBar::tab Tab in a Pageframe or TabView Section tab bar
QSplitter::handle Splitter handle used to position the split

Property Selectors

Selectors may be based on the value of a 'custom attribute' or user-added property.

For example, a Form Section Field has a custom attribute defined:

Custom attributes: attr1=16

'Custom attributes' can be found at the bottom of the Data section in the Attributes dialog or App Inspector Attributes tab.

The CSS file has the following entry which will be applied to the Field:

[user_attr1="16"] {

Note that the custom attribute is 'attr1' and that it is referred to in the CSS selector as 'user_attr1'. Also, that the value should be in quotes - here "16".

Custom attributes should also have the 'user_' prefix specified when accessed using Lianja.get(), i.e.


The same Property Selector above will also be applied to a Checkbox Gadget where the property and its value have been set using the addProperty() method.

oCheck = Lianja.get("page1.section1.field10")

Note that here the property is 'user_attr1', matching the name in the CSS selector.

UI State Selectors UI State Selectors are special built-in Property Selectors for editable Formitems.

Select based on whether the 'Mandatory input' attribute (mandatory) is true or false:


For example:

	border: 2px solid blue;

	border: 2px solid yellow;

Note: the [lianja_uistate_mandatory="true"] properties apply when the Formitem is in edit mode.

Select based on whether 'Validation' (validation) returned true or false:


For example:



Pseudo-State Selectors

Selectors may contain pseudo-states. They are prefixed with a colon (:).


lianja_ui_checkbox:checked {
	border:3px solid blue;


lianja_ui_tree::item:closed {
     border: 2px solid red;


     border-left: 3px solid orange;


lianja_ui_grid::item:!hover { 
lianja_ui_grid::item:hover { 

and combined with pressed:

lianja_ui_commandbutton:!hover { 
lianja_ui_commandbutton:hover:!pressed { 
lianja_ui_commandbutton:hover:pressed { 


lianja_ui_tree::item:last {
     border-left: 3px solid green;


lianja_ui_tree::item:open {
     border: 2px solid green;


lianja_ui_commandbutton:!pressed { 

lianja_ui_commandbutton:pressed { 


lianja_ui_tree::item:selected {
     border-left: 3px solid blue;

selected can also be combined with position pseudo-state selectors:

lianja_ui_tree::item:first:selected {
     border-left: 3px solid red;
lianja_ui_tree::item:last:selected {
     border-left: 3px solid yellow;


lianja_ui_checkbox:unchecked {
	border:3px solid yellow;