Working with Files and File Systems in Lianja

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Working with Files and File Systems in Lianja

Handling Text Files in Lianja

Lianja includes functions allowing text files to be created, opened and closed and their contents to be read, overwritten or appended to.

Opening and Creating Text Files in Lianja

  • fcreate() - create a new text file, returning a file handle
numeric = fcreate(<filename as character>)
  • fopen() - open an existing text file, returning a file handle
numeric = fopen(<filename as character> [, <mode as numeric>])
Mode Description
If not specified, read-only
0 Read-only
1 Write only. Existing contents are deleted.
2 Append. Text may be added to the end of the existing contents.

Closing Text Files in Lianja

logical = fclose(<filehandle as numeric>)

Writing to a Text File using Lianja

  • fputs() - write a character string to a text file, returning the number of bytes written
numeric = fputs(<filehandle as numeric>, <string as character> 
                          [, <bytes as numeric> [, <endofline as character>]])

Reading From a Text File using Lianja

  • fgets() - read and return a line from a text file
character = fgets(<filehandle as numeric> 
                            [, <bytes as numeric> [, <endofline as character>]])
  • feof() - evaluate if the record pointer is at the end of file marker
logical = feof(<filehandle as numeric>)


open database southwind
use example
do while not eof()
    count = count + fputs(fp,trim(last_name) + ", "+trim(first_name))
echo str(count,5) + " bytes written.\n"
fp = fopen("names.txt")
count = 0
do while not feof(fp)
    if left(fgets(fp),5) = "Smith"
echo str(count,5) + " Smiths found.\n"
close databases

Checking Whether a File Exists in Lianja

  • file() - check whether a file exists
logical = file(<filename as character>)

Moving, Copying and Deleting Files with Lianja

rename <sourcefile as character> [to] <targetfile as character>
copy file <sourcefile as character> [to] <targetfile as character>
  • erase - delete a file or files
erase <filename as character [, filename as character [, ...]]>
delete file <filename as character>

Accessing File Attributes in Lianja

  • fileinfo() - return a comma-separated string containing information about a file
character = fileinfo(<filename as character>)
  • fsize() - return the size of a file
numeric = fsize(<filename as character>)
  • fdate() - return the last modification date of a file
date = fdate(<filename as character>)
  • ftime() - return the last modification time of a file
character = ftime(<filename as character>)
character = fullpath(<filename as character>)
character = basename(<filename as character>)

Miscellaneous File and File System Commands and Functions

  • diskspace() - return the available space on the current disk
numeric = diskspace()