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System table for user and role information

See Also

Database Tenancies, Guide to the Users Workspace (Video), MD5(), SET ROWFILTER, SYSDATAMASKS, SYSPERMS, SYSROWFILTERS, System Tables, USERDATAMASK(), USERDOMAIN(), USEREMAIL(), USERNAME(), USERROLES(), USERROWFILTER(), Users and Roles, Users Tables


The sysroles table is stored in the system database and holds user and role information.

Column Data Type Width Description
DOMAIN C 80 Domain: Domain or tenancy for the user.
See also Database Tenancies.
NAME C 80 Name: Full name of the user.
USERNAME C 80 Username: Name of the user, case-sensitive.
PASSWORD C 80 Password: Password for the user, case-sensitive. This is encrypted as an MD5 cryptographic key.
EXPIRES D 8 Expires: Expiration date for the user. Login or http request is rejected if a user's expiration date has passed.
EMAIL C 80 Email: User's email address.
MOBILE C 80 Mobile: User's cell/mobile number including country code. From v8.0.
ROLES C 255 Roles: Comma-separated list of roles for the user. Empty or '*' means all.
OTC C 6 OTC: Login passcode. Internal use. From v8.0.
OTCEXPIRY T 8 OTC Expiry: Login passcode expiry. Internal use. From v8.0.


select * from system!sysroles