Navigation Panel

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Under construction

See Also

App Settings, Colors, CSS, Left Sidebar, Page Attributes, Right Sidebar, Stackable Accordion Sections, Understanding Lianja UI Navigation, Using the showdocument() function and Lianja.showDocument() method


Show navigation panel

Show a Navigation panel on the left side of the page (True | False). By default this is a TreeGrid, so you can load it in the load delegate for the page and structure it as a Grid or a Tree.


Enable collapsing and expanding for the Navigation panel (True | False).

Collapse when first loaded

Hide Navigation panel when first loaded. Use $("page:yourpagename?action=shownavigationpanel") to show it and $("page:yourpagename?action=hidenavigationpanel") to hide it again.

Position on page

Navigation panel position on page (Left | Right).

Show caption

Show Navigation panel caption (True | False).

Caption height

Navigation panel caption height.


Navigation panel caption.


Navigation panel width.

Custom UI page

Specify an (optional) custom UI Page from the UI Page Library to embed into the Navigation panel.

Show child indicators

Show child indicators.

Alternating row colors

Alternating row colors.

Double click to select

Check this if you want the selection delegate to be called on a double-click rather than a single click.

Column headers

Specify a comma separated list of column headers.

Data source

Specify a comma separated list of items to load as caption#icon, a SQL SELECT statement to load from a data source or specify a .rsp, .jssp or html page. Note that you can optionally load the Navigation panel in the load delegate for the page.

Selection column

When using a multi column TreeGrid, specify the column you want to select when calling the selection delegate.

Item sync expression

Specify an expression to evaluate to keep the TreeGrid in sync while data is navigated in the page.

Selection delegate

Specify a delegate to call when a row is clicked. Note that you can use an 'inline' delegate like this: $("section:yoursectionid?action=search&text={}") Notice how {} is used to substitute the value of the item selected.

Show ActionBar

Show the actionbar at the bottom of the Navigation panel (True | False).

Add delegate

Specify a delegate to call when the 'Add' icon is clicked. Note that you can use an 'inline' delegate like this: $("section:yoursectionid?action=add").

Delete delegate

Specify a delegate to call when the 'Delete' icon is clicked. Note that you can use an 'inline' delegate like this: $("section:yoursectionid?action=delete").

Row height

Row height for the Tree items in the Navigation panel.

Font size

Font size for the Tree items in the Navigation panel.

CSS style

CSS style for the Navigation panel and its Tree (separate attributes with ; or use app:/filename.css).