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See Also

Custom Delegates

Gestures enabled

Enable gestures for this page: swipe, pan, pinch, tap and tapandhold (True | False). If enabled, then the Gestures delegate will be called with two arguments, e.g. 'swipe','left' or 'swipe','right'.

Enhanced Gesture Support for Simplified Data Navigation

From v8.0, checking the Gestures enabled attribute on Form and Canvas sections enables the following functionality.

On phones and tablets:

  • Swipe left moves to next record
  • Swipe right moves to previous record
  • Swipe down moves to first record
  • Swipe up moves to last record
  • Tap-and-hold edits the current record

On dektop browsers:

  • Mouse wheel down moves to next record
  • Mouse wheel up moves to previous record
  • Mouse wheel left moves to first record
  • Mouse wheel right moves to last record
  • Double-click edits the current record

These default behaviors can be overridden by the custom delegates below if required.

Swipe navigation

Enable swipe left and swipe right to navigate between Pages (True | False).

Swipe left gesture

The delegate for the gestureSwipeLeft event.

Swipe right gesture

The delegate for the gestureSwipeRight event.

Swipe up gesture

The delegate for the gestureSwipeUp event.

Swipe down gesture

The delegate for the gestureSwipeDown event.

Pan gesture

The delegate for the gesturePan event.

Pinch gesture

The delegate for the gesturePinch event.

Tap gesture

The delegate for the gestureTap event.

Tap and hold gesture

The delegate for the gestureTapAndHold event.


The catch all delegate for the gestures event.