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Thread: [Answers] App Center-2

  1. #1
    Lianja MVP
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Croatia, Zagreb

    [Answers] App Center-2

    To provide a nicer user experience in v1.2.4 the icon specified for an App tile is now deployed automatically and displayed in an App Center tile in both desktop and Web. Note that the minimum optimum size for an App tile icon is 96x96.

    These tile icons are also active in the new "Page Center".
    You can copy your icons into the library directory (just drag and drop) and then reference them in the App "Settings" for the tile like this lib:/iconname.png

    On your desktop shortcut if all you want to do is bypass the App Center and run a custom application written in Lianja/VFP using the Application Framework.
    c:\lianja\bin\lianjaruntime main
    By default that will look for the compiled main.dbo file.
    You can run PHP, Python or JavaScript Applications just by adding the appropriate file extension.
    You can add this shortcut inside your installer with a custom icon and remove the app center desktop shortcut.

    Lianja as many of you know by now is a "platform" for developing and deploying business Apps, not just an IDE.
    The basic development methodology is to break an application down into groups of smaller Apps. You then break the Apps down into pages then break the pages down into sections, fields and gadgets.
    The focal point for end users is the "Lianja App Center" which provides optional login and displays tiles representing the Apps that the user has permission to run.
    In the next version I have implemented the "
    Lianja Page Center" which can optionally be used to navigate between the pages of an App. This is fully configurable.
    So the steps are.
    1. User logs in.
    2. Selects an App from the App Center (Only those that the user can run are displayed based on their roles and permissions).
    3. The Page Center for the App is displayed. The categories such as "Select a Page" (as can be seen in the attachments) are new attributes in the page attributes as is the tile size, color and caption. You tell the App to render a Page Center in the App attributes by checking the "Show Page Center" checkbox.
    4. The user clicks a "Page Center tile" and navigates between the pages. Clicking the "Page menu icon" in the top left switches back to the page center. Clicking the "Home icon" in the header of any page or the Page Center itself switches back to the App Center.
    This is all generated dynamically. You just set the attributes.
    I will also add the ability to specify the icon to display in the "Tile".
    The existing page navigation menu can still be used as can the page selection panel in the left sidebar. The "Page Center" provides you with a simplified touch friendly interface for navigating between the pages of an App and reduces software maintenance and training of end users as it is a common interface for interacting with Apps and the pages of the Apps that you build in Lianja.
    1. Login

    2. The App Center is displayed.

    3. Click or touch an App Center tile to display the "Page Center" for the App.

    4. Click or touch a Page Center tile to switch between pages.

    You declare the Page Center attributes for the tiles in the Page attributes dialog and the App Settings dialog.

    customize the size and style of the tiles
    Yes, and you can. The tiles are declared in the page attributes.

    In Lianja v1.2, note that in a desktop App you can now extend the Lianja system object like this to pass data between apps. Try this from the console.
    Lianja.mydata = object() = "Barry"
    declare mytable[10]
    Lianja.mydata.mytable = mytable
    Lianja.mydata.mytable[1] = "Lianja"
    Lianja.mydata.mytable[2] = object()
    Lianja.mydata.mytable[2].name = "Hello world"
    ? json_encode( Lianja.mydata )
    ? json_decode( json_encode( Lianja.mydata ) )
    So in other words
    you can extend the Lianja system object with your own data that persists between each App that you open.
    Lianja, unlike VFP reference counts the arrays and objects so they can be assigned into data structures as above.

    All topics in [Answers] alphabetically:
    This same topic is extended to another thread:

    Last edited by josipradnik; 2016-10-24 at 03:13.



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